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Best Tricks to Get Your Partner Attention Easily
A new study suggests that you shouldn’t impress the other person so much as soon as you’ve just met, but the other way around: beg and forge a slow and progressive relationship
Every person is a world. The most magical and mysterious thing about social relationships is that you never know how intensely or deeply you will connect with someone . Many times, even opposites attract, and those two people who at first glance were antagonistic in their way of thinking and living, end up falling passionately in love.
What is it that makes you end up being irresistible to another person? Many will say that the physical and others a good conversation. When it comes to pleasing someone, each one chooses the weapons that work best for them. But if there is an element that can coincide in almost all cases, it is that of patience and the fact of being asked. Surely it has happened to you with someone at some point in your life.
People who are too easy to win over don’t attract us as much as those who are.
This has been discovered by a new study published in the ‘ Journal of Social and Personal Relationships’ , which ensures that if there is a certain degree of uncertainty in the face of not knowing if the taste is reciprocal, the so-called ‘couple value’ will increase. , from here it is more likely that the desire for the other person grows, as well as the effort to conquer them.
It could well be summed up with the saying, ‘he who wants something, costs him something.’ To demonstrate this, the research team used three different strategies to obtain various results. The first was to analyze ‘online’ dating profiles to determine if people were more attracted to those who were considered harder to get or easier to draw in. In this way, they found that these people were more frequently attracted to “selective” profiles , according to ‘Best Life’.
If you are a man and you are looking to flirt on the Internet, do not post a photo of your catThe confidential
In the remaining two tests, the researchers coded different conversations to determine if there was an overt effort to feel wanted by the other person. In this case, when the two positions coincided on several but not all issues , the test subjects were more interested in the other person. By not agreeing from the beginning and needing more time to connect with the other person, that is, to achieve personal validation based on effort, the ‘couple value’ grew. These people were more likely to end the conversation by expressing a desire to meet again or spend more time together , rating their potential mates as more attractive than the control group.
“People who are too easy to win over are not as attractive to us as those who are, as it can allude to the desperation you feel to be with someone,” says Gurit Bimbaun, a social psychologist and co-author of the study. “This makes them seem less valuable and attractive than those who don’t make their romantic interest immediately apparent . ” It seems like an obvious conclusion, but true: the more difficult the task of unraveling what the other person is like, the more they tend to attract us than if you already know everything about them in just a few hours.
“If you want something, it’s going to cost you”
But before putting it into practice, the researchers acknowledge that there is a high probability that “playing hard” is a tactic that in many cases backfires, especially if it is not done well. “You run a high risk of appearing too arrogant or disinterested ,” said Harry Reis , co-author of the study.
Therefore, we can conclude that the most important thing is not to impress the other person from the first date and seduce them under any circumstances. To tell the truth, it is a lesson that we should apply in the rest of the social relationships we have: the important thing is not to “like” or be irresistible, but to build a healthy and beautiful relationship gradually, respecting the times.This claim to connect with the other and get to know them in depth in a leisurely manner and without major shocks, with its certain dose of mystery and uncertainty, can make both the desire and the compatibility between the two grow exponentially and, even if you don’t end up together, build a solid friendship, which in many cases is more valuable than a mere romantic encounter that does not last in time.