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Top 10 Valentine Day Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend
Valentine’s Day or Valentine ‘s Day is celebrated on February 14. It is an Anglo-Saxon tradition that, little by little, has been implanted in other countries around the world. On this day you can give your partner or that person so special to you anything as a token of your love and affection. Although it is important that we show this affection every day, this date can also be celebrated in a special way.
What to give a woman on Valentine’s Day ? If you are in need of inspiration and gift ideas for February 14 for women , then do not stop reading. In oneHOWTO we give you more than 60 gift ideas for a woman on Valentine’s Day . Take note and choose one that you think he will really love.
In this article we will give you many ideas to give a woman on Valentine’s Day according to the budget you have. But first, we will explain some very simple ideas that your couples will surely love:
Fill the house with post-its with messages , telling her how much you love her and how good you are with her. Put one on the bathroom mirror, another on the fridge, another in her bag… Prepare a sandwich or meal for her to take to class or work and also leave a message inside. You can also leave heart shapes made with everyday objects, as in the image.
Fill a pen-drive with different folders. In one put your songs , in another photos since you met and in another some of the SMS, Whatsapps or e-mails that you have sent during your relationship. You will love it!
Take her back to that place where you met , where you had your first kiss or where you remember why something special happened. We girls are very sentimental and we love to relive the most beautiful moments of our lives.
Make her a box full of vouchers : worth a kiss, worth a hug, worth a massage, worth a breakfast,… Every time she takes a voucher you will have to do what it says. You don’t have to spend them all on the same day, although I’m sure she won’t be able to resist!
Give him a romantic and erotic massage so that he can enjoy it to the fullest. Here we explain how to do a sensual massage on Valentine’s Day .
If he likes sweet, prepare some cupcakes with hearts , some heart-shaped cookies or a cake or tart.
Give something sentimental to a woman on Valentine’s Day
If you are looking for inspiration on gifts for February 14 for women and you are both sentimental , here are several ideas according to your budget:
High budget: give them a night in a hotel with a romantic dinner included, a weekend in the mountains, a large framed photo of yourself with a message written by you…
Average budget: a dinner in a restaurant or a book of special photos since you started your relationship that you can do through the Internet.
Low budget: a romantic dinner at home, a framed photo of you to put on your desk or nightstand, a foam bath and candles in the bathtub at home, a romantic card made by you, prepare a romantic breakfast, etc. . In this other article we explain how to prepare a romantic breakfast and in this other we tell you how to prepare an aphrodisiac dinner for Valentine’s Day .
Give away culture for February 14
If he likes cultural activities , do not hesitate to give him any of these ideas, either to do on the same day, February 14, or on another occasion, giving him the tickets in advance:
High budget: some tickets to go to the opera or a play or musical.
Medium budget: some tickets to go to a concert, go to the theater to listen to monologues, etc.
Low budget: a book, a compilation of your favorite singer or group, tickets to an exhibition, etc.
Gift technology to a woman on Valentine’s Day
Another of the gift ideas for women for Valentine ‘s Day is to give one of these original gifts within the technological world:
High budget: a laptop, a smartphone, a photo or video camera, an iPod, an ebook…
Average budget: a digital photo album, webcam, keyboard, wireless mouse or other accessory for your computer.
Low budget: some accessory for your mobile phone or smartphone such as a case, headphones, a pendant, a selfie stick…
If you love technology, it will be one of the best options. Also, if you are going to give him something very special, like a trip, perhaps a previous gift and to give clues can be one of those mentioned: photo and video camera, a selfie stick, a digital photo album to fill it in, etc.
Give fashion to your girlfriend on February 14
Now we focus on gifts for women for February 14 related to fashion , whether they are clothes or accessories. If she is very interested in fashion, one of the ideas for Valentine’s Day that we encourage you to take into account is that you can give her something innovative or daring that breaks styles, or you can opt for more exclusive or practical options, depending on the tastes of she:
High budget: give her a coat, a party dress to take her to dinner or some pretty shoes of her style.
Average budget: a bag to go out dressed, a T-shirt to go to the gym with a printed photo of you, a sweater, a set of underwear…
Low budget: some gloves, a scarf, a hat, some stockings, a practical bag…
Our advice is that you not only look at the clothes and accessories that she usually wears, but also when you walk together or chat, pay attention to other possible interests in fashion, perhaps she wants to try a new style, or if she stops to look at some shop windows .
Give jewelry on Valentine’s Day
If you prefer one of the most classic gifts for Valentine’s Day , opt for jewelry. Here are some more gift ideas for women on February 14 :
High budget: give her some pretty gold earrings, a white gold ring or a pendant with your initials engraved or a sophisticated bracelet.
Average budget: give her a silver pendant with your initials engraved, a silver ring or an everyday watch.
Low budget: give her some jewelry, such as a ring, bracelet, earrings or necklace, always trying to match her style.
Other gift ideas for a woman on Valentine’s Day
These are more ideas for Valentine’s Day for women that we bring you in a HOWTO:
A clock.
A colony.
A perfume.
A bouquet of flowers.
A videogame.
Sex toys to use both.
Some tickets to go to the movies together.
A solidarity gift of collaboration with an NGO or association.
Accessories so that he can continue practicing his hobbies (if he likes to paint, give him material for it, if he likes to play tennis, give him clothes and accessories for this sport, etc.).
Classes or workshops on something that you think he might like a lot.
Something special made for you.
If you want to read more articles similar to Gifts for a woman on Valentine’s Day , we recommend that you enter our category of Parties and Celebrations .